Some time ago, the technology company Sony launched a new project called "Future Lab". The goal of this new program is to work with customers. Namely, by incorporating their feedback on products into the development.

In this way, the development department immediately receives useful feedback and can more easily decide what the customer wants.

Works like touchscreen

One of these new Future Lab developments is the projector prototype T, which offers the user an interactive interface on smooth surfaces (such as a tabletop).

The user can control the device or manipulate images not only with the help of gestures. But the projector can also recognize objects on the table and react accordingly.

Video shows surface manipulation using fingers


  • For example, multiple users can work on an image at the same time. Regardless of the position of the table they stand. The projector prototype detects the direction.
  • T's technology also recognizes a user's gestures on the surface. Which allows you to control it with a finger movement, just like a touchscreen.
  • And the prototype identifies both the shape and position of objects that the user places on the surface in real time. If these are touched by the user, he will receive further information.

Product still under development

As I said, the presented projector "T" is only a prototype that Sony is currently working on.

However, the application possibilities are very interesting and we can look forward to exciting product developments, should Sony remain true to the concept.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 31. October 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes