According to Wikipedia, haptic technology (force feedback) is a force feedback. A feedback from Kraft to the user used in computer input devices. Smartphone users certainly know what is meant when the user receives various information through vibrations and acoustic signals. For example, slight vibration when a button is pressed on an otherwise smooth surface. Vibrations usually convey information of various kinds to the user, but the sense of touch has not yet been comprehensively covered and simple vibrations are often not sufficient.

Suitable for everyday use

Unfortunately, haptic feedback is not yet as widespread as one might think. It is becoming increasingly important in everyday life. There are more and more manufacturers who work with techniques like Force Feedback, but they are not yet 100% mature and quite expensive to use. Especially in the medical field or for people with visual impairments, a tactile usability of an otherwise smooth touchscreen surface is of great importance.

Where switches or controllers used to be noticeable on devices or PC applications, today only a smooth surface can be felt on modern touchscreen applications. But even this must be operable without eye contact. And more and more haptics researchers around the world are working on this.

Force Feedback Technology

In this case, Linux-based touch applications can use the "Linux Force Feedback Library", for example. A library that allows you to control force feedback technologies.

The possibilities for haptic feedback in touch applications are manifold and we are curious to see how quickly progress in this area becomes apparent.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 22. February 2024
Reading time: 3 minutes