In a Europe-wide study commissioned by gfu Consumer & Home Electronics GmbH in May 2016, around 6000 households in Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Austria, Spain and Switzerland were surveyed on their respective attitudes, usage behaviour and purchase intentions in connection with electrical and electronic products.

Closing gaps in care

Part of the study was also the topic of networked health. This includes not only fitness apps or video consultations, but also health services for the chronically ill and cancer patients. In addition to innovative solutions for prevention, care and rehabilitation, this topic is also about closing communication and care gaps.

Vernetzte Gesundheit
This approach poses innovative challenges for medical technology as well as app developers and IT specialists. Namely, to make the health aspect easy to use and more attractive for end users. This seems to be increasingly successful in recent years, because in the recently published study, whose download link can be found under the URL of our source, it can be seen that in Germany alone at the end of 2017 about 17% of participants are thinking about buying offers in this area.

Telemedicine reduces healthcare costs

Overall, 66% have expressed themselves predominantly positively, as it leads to fewer restrictions for chronically ill people. In fact, 59% felt that telemedicine was necessary to reduce healthcare costs. Only 35% were negative about it for fear that personal contact between doctor and patient would be lost.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 11. January 2024
Reading time: 3 minutes