Assistive Technology

The touchscreen interface can be beneficial to those that have difficulty using other input devices such as a mouse or keyboard. When used in conjunction with software such as on-screen keyboards, or other assistive technology, they can help make computing resources more available to people that have difficulty using computers.

Uses for touchscreens

The touchscreen is found on a wide variety of ICT applications:

Public Access Terminals

Information kiosks, tourism displays, trade show displays and other electronic displays are used by many people that have little or no computing experience. The user-friendly touchscreen interface can be less intimidating and easier to use than other input devices, especially for novice users. A touchscreen can help make information more easily accessible by allowing users to navigate by simply touching the display screen.


Self-service touchscreen terminals can be used to improve customer service at busy stores, fast service restaurants, transportation hubs, and more. Customers can quickly place their own orders or check themselves in or out, saving them time and decreasing wait times for other customers. Automated bank teller (ATM) and airline e-ticket terminals are examples of self-service stations that can benefit from touchscreen input.In today's fast pace world, waiting in line is one of the things that has yet to speed up.

Retail and Restaurant Systems

Time is money, especially in a fast paced retail or restaurant environment. Touchscreen systems are easy to use so employees can get work done faster and training time can be reduced for new employees. And because input is done right on the screen, valuable counter space can be saved. Touchscreens can be used in cash registers, order entry stations, seating and reservation systems.

Control and Automation Systems

The touchscreen interface is useful in systems ranging from industrial process control to home automation. By integrating the input device with the display, valuable workspace can be saved. And with a graphical interface, operators can monitor and control complex operations in real-time by simply touching the screen.

Medical applications

And many more uses...

The touch screen interface is being used in a wide variety of applications to improve human-computer interaction. Touchscreens are the most common means of input in personal digital assistants (PDAs). Other applications include digital jukeboxes, computerized gaming, student registration systems, multimedia software, financial and scientific applications and more.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 14. August 2023
Reading time: 4 minutes