In recent years, multi-touch technology has managed to revolutionize the HMI industry with smartphones, tablets and the like and to inspire the wider society.

Which touch screen for multitouch?

Multitouch in itself means that two or more touch points can trigger touches on a panel at the same time.

A theoretically unlimited number of touches is possible with PCAP touchscreens due to the sensor function. Therefore, the multi-touch recognition method is primarily used in projected-capacitive touchscreens and also became known with it.

By segmenting the touchscreen, Interelectronix can also develop resistive ULTRA touchscreens that are multi-touch capable, albeit not with unlimited simultaneous touch inputs.

##Warum Multitouch? Multi-touch capable touchscreens offer the user the possibility to perform several touches simultaneously, for example to easily move, select or zoom objects on the display.

Even the simultaneous touch of several users is possible, for example for interactive applications for large touchscreens.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 26. September 2023
Reading time: 2 minutes