The lottery company used to rely on standard 5 wire resistive touch screens. Unfortunately, the real requirements for a standard 5 wire resistive touch screen in the harsh professional environment were simply too high.

The Solution: Glass Film Glass Technology

The lifespan of a good 5 wire resistive touch screen is in the range of 35 million touches per point. That sounds like a lot at first glance, but in a highly frequented POS environment, this limit is quickly reached. The touchscreen lifespan of 250+ million touches per point has more than convinced our customer.

GFG Touchscreen Lebensdauer

Additional price for the ULTRA glass film glass technology is negligible

The additional price that the customer invested in our technology paid off very quickly. Especially with highly frequented POS applications, every failure is doubly annoying, because if the touchscreen doesn't work, you can't make any more sales in most cases. Especially in narrow and small lottery shops, the loss of sales is usually very dramatic, because there is no second cash register. The daily yield loss was mathematically 5x as large as the surcharge of the ULTRA technology and this did not even take into account the replacement of the device and the technician's journey. You don't have to be a math genius to choose ULTRA glass film glass touch screens.

Completely waterproof touchscreens

With the high humidity in South America, the water-impermeable glass surface was another advantage. Especially with touchscreens, which are very heavily used, invisible damage due to moisture often occurs. The water molecule is so small that it can penetrate the touch screen polyester. To prevent this problem, most high-quality touchscreens are equipped with a "moisture barrier". This is a coating on the surface of the touchscreen PET that is supposed to make the touchscreen impermeable to water. Unfortunately, this moisture protection is not very durable and rubs off quickly. Once the Moisture Barrier is rubbed through, moisture can penetrate these points and then destroy the resistive touchscreen from the inside. With our ULTRA technology, this is completely impossible.

Touchscreen für Lotterie,POS,Kassensysteme
It's just nice to see our products in the field.
Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 09. June 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes