Wearable technologies, also known as "wearables", mainly concern electronic devices such as smartphones, smartwatches, smart glasses, activity trackers, but also jewelry, headgear, belts, textiles, skin patches and more. The independent information company IDTechEx has prepared an industry analysis with market forecasts for "wearable technology" for the years 2015 to 2025.

The report by Dr Peter Harrop, Mr James Hayward, Raghu Das and Glyn Holland has been available for download on the company's website since January 2015 under the title "Wearable Technology 2015-2025: Technologies, Markets, Forecasts".

The following screenshot is taken from the IDTechEx website and shows the two main areas of wearable technologies and their typical characteristics.

Wearable Technology Report 

Wearable technologies for all areas of life

The key message of the forecast report is that the market for wearable technologies will grow from $20 trillion today to more than $70 trillion in 2025.

Well-known companies such as Apple, Accenture, Adidas, Fujitsu, Nike, Philips, Reebok, Samsung, SAP and Roche are already among the major producers in the wearable technology market. In total, the report analyzes more than 800 developers and manufacturers of portable (electronic) applications and divides them according to the scope of application.

Wearables already represent massive potential for many industries. There are many possible applications not only in consumer electronics and communication. Above all, the field of medicine, health and fitness will undergo a massive transformation in the next 10 years.

The full report with detailed information and further forecasts can be purchased at the URL of our source on the IDTechEx website.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Aktualizacja na stronie: 18. May 2023
Czas czytania: 3 minuty